এক্সএকটি_বার্ট চালু থাকাকালীন কেন এসকিএল সার্ভার রেসারার পরে চালাচ্ছে?


আমি টিএসকিউএল-এর কিছু দ্বারা অবাক হয়েছি। আমি ভেবেছিলাম যে যদি এক্স্যাক্ট_এবার্ট চালু থাকে তবে এরকম কিছু কল করে

raiserror('Something bad happened', 16, 1);

সঞ্চিত প্রক্রিয়া (বা কোনও ব্যাচ) কার্যকর করা বন্ধ করবে।

তবে আমার ADO.NET ত্রুটি বার্তাটি ঠিক তার বিপরীত প্রমাণ করেছে। আমি ব্যতিক্রম বার্তায় দু'জন রেইজারের ত্রুটি বার্তা পেয়েছি এবং এরপরে পরবর্তী জিনিসটিও ভেঙে গেছে।

এটি আমার কর্মসংস্থান (যা যাইহোক আমার অভ্যাস) তবে এটি প্রয়োজনীয় হওয়া উচিত বলে মনে হয় না:

if @somethingBadHappened
        raiserror('Something bad happened', 16, 1);

The docs say this:

When SET XACT_ABORT is ON, if a Transact-SQL statement raises a run-time error, the entire transaction is terminated and rolled back.

Does that mean I must be using an explicit transaction?

Just tested and RAISERROR will in fact terminate execution if the severity is set to 17 or 18, instead of 16.

Just tested SQL Server 2012 and RAISERROR will in fact not terminate execution if the severity is set to 17 or 18, instead of 16.
Ian Boyd

The reason is clearly explained by Erland Sommarskog (SQL Server MVP since 2001) in part 2 of his excellent series Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server: "Every once in a while, I get the feeling that SQL Server is intentionally designed to be as confusing as possible. When they plan for a new release they ask each other what can we do this time to confuse the users? Sometimes they run a little out of ideas, but then someone says Let's do something with error handling!"
Reversed Engineer

@IanBoyd, indeed, even after setting severity to 17 or 18 or 19 execution is not stopped. What's more interesting, if you look in Messages tab you will see no (X rows affected) or PRINT messages, which I would say is a complete lie!



This is By DesignTM, as you can see on Connect by the SQL Server team's response to a similar question:

Thank you for your feedback. By design, the XACT_ABORT set option does not impact the behavior of the RAISERROR statement. We will consider your feedback to modify this behavior for a future release of SQL Server.

Yes, this is a bit of an issue for some who hoped RAISERROR with a high severity (like 16) would be the same as an SQL execution error - it's not.

Your workaround is just about what you need to do, and using an explicit transaction doesn't have any effect on the behavior you want to change.

Thanks Philip. The link you referenced seems to be unavailable.
Eric Z Beard

Link is working fine, if ever you need to search for it, title "Have RAISERROR work with XACT_ABORT", author "jorundur", ID: 275308

Link is dead, with no archive.org cached copy. It's been lost to the sands of time forever.
Ian Boyd

This answer is a good backup - with a link to the docs where this behaviour is made clear.


If you use a try/catch block a raiserror error number with severity 11-19 will cause execution to jump to the catch block.

Any severity above 16 is a system error. To demonstrate the following code sets up a try/catch block and executes a stored procedure that we assume will fail:

assume we have a table [dbo].[Errors] to hold errors assume we have a stored procedure [dbo].[AssumeThisFails] which will fail when we execute it

-- first lets build a temporary table to hold errors
if (object_id('tempdb..#RAISERRORS') is null)
 create table #RAISERRORS (ErrorNumber int, ErrorMessage varchar(400), ErrorSeverity int, ErrorState int, ErrorLine int, ErrorProcedure varchar(128));

-- this will determine if the transaction level of the query to programatically determine if we need to begin a new transaction or create a save point to rollback to
declare @tc as int;
set @tc = @@trancount;
if (@tc = 0)
 begin transaction;
 save transaction myTransaction;

-- the code in the try block will be executed
begin try
 declare @return_value = '0';
 set @return_value = '0';
  @ErrorNumber as int,
  @ErrorMessage as varchar(400),
  @ErrorSeverity as int,
  @ErrorState as int,
  @ErrorLine as int,
  @ErrorProcedure as varchar(128);

 -- assume that this procedure fails...
 exec @return_value = [dbo].[AssumeThisFails]
 if (@return_value <> 0)
  raiserror('This is my error message', 17, 1);

 -- the error severity of 17 will be considered a system error execution of this query will skip the following statements and resume at the begin catch block
 if (@tc = 0)
  commit transaction;
end try

-- the code in the catch block will be executed on raiserror("message", 17, 1)
begin catch
   @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER(),
   @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(),
   @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(),
   @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE(),
   @ErrorLine = ERROR_LINE(),
   @ErrorProcedure = ERROR_PROCEDURE();

  insert #RAISERRORS (ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState, ErrorLine, ErrorProcedure)
   values (@ErrorNumber, @ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState, @ErrorLine, @ErrorProcedure);

  -- if i started the transaction
  if (@tc = 0)
   if (XACT_STATE() <> 0)
     select * from #RAISERRORS;
    rollback transaction;
    insert into [dbo].[Errors] (ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState, ErrorLine, ErrorProcedure)
     select * from #RAISERRORS;
    insert [dbo].[Errors] (ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState, ErrorLine, ErrorProcedure)
     values (@ErrorNumber, @ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState, @ErrorLine, @ErrorProcedure);
  -- if i didn't start the transaction
  if (XACT_STATE() = 1)
   rollback transaction myTransaction;
   if (object_id('tempdb..#RAISERRORS') is not null)
    insert #RAISERRORS (ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState, ErrorLine, ErrorProcedure)
     values (@ErrorNumber, @ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState, @ErrorLine, @ErrorProcedure);
    raiserror(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState);
  else if (XACT_STATE() = -1)
   rollback transaction;
   if (object_id('tempdb..#RAISERRORS') is not null)
    insert #RAISERRORS (ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState, ErrorLine, ErrorProcedure)
     values (@ErrorNumber, @ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState, @ErrorLine, @ErrorProcedure);
    raiserror(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState);
 end catch


Use RETURN immediately after RAISERROR() and it'll not execute the procedure further.

You may want to call rollback transaction before calling return.
Mike Christian

Probably you may need to do something in your catch block


As pointed out on the docs for SET XACT_ABORT, the THROW statement should be used instead of RAISERROR.

The two behave slightly differently. But when XACT_ABORT is set to ON, then you should always use the THROW command.

If you don't have 2k12 (or above when it comes out), then there is no THROW statement to be had.
Jeff Moden
আমাদের সাইট ব্যবহার করে, আপনি স্বীকার করেছেন যে আপনি আমাদের কুকি নীতি এবং গোপনীয়তা নীতিটি পড়েছেন এবং বুঝতে পেরেছেন ।
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