ভার্চুয়ালবক্সে অতিথি হিসাবে ফ্রিবিএসডি-তে ভার্চুয়ালবক্স-ও-যোগগুলি ইনস্টল করার চেষ্টা করার সময় ত্রুটি


ফ্রিবিএসডি 11 ইনস্টল করার পরে সর্বশেষ ভার্চুয়াল বক্স সফ্টওয়্যার ব্যবহার করে এবং জর্গের সাথে জিনোম 3 স্থাপন করার পরে, সব ঠিক ছিল, কিন্তু যখন আমি ভার্চুয়াল বক্স ব্যবহার করে ভার্চুয়ালবক্স -ওস-অ্যাডিশনগুলি ইনস্টল করার চেষ্টা করেছি তখন আমি নিম্নলিখিত ত্রুটির মুখোমুখি হয়েছি:

এখানে চিত্র বর্ণনা লিখুন

এবং এখানে সম্পূর্ণ আউটপুট:

$ pwd
$ sudo make -j 4
--- stage ---
--- /usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work/.patch_done.virtualbox-ose._usr_local ------ build-depends ---
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on executable: yasm - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on executable: kmk - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/X - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on package: libiconv>=1.14_9 - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/python2.7 - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on package: pkgconf>=0.9.10 - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on package: libGL>0 - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file:   /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/inputproto.pc - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/glproto.pc - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/dri2proto.pc - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/xcursor.pc - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/xmu.pc - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc - found
===>   virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.38 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/xrandr.pc - found
`lib-depends' was not built (made 1, flags 2019, type b410001)!
`lib-depends' has .ORDER dependency against run-depends (made 1, flags 9, type b410001)
`lib-depends' has .ORDER dependency against run-depends (made 1, flags 9, type b410001)
`configure-message' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`configure-message' has .ORDER dependency against lib-depends (made 1, flags 2019, type b410001)
`run-autotools-fixup' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`run-autotools-fixup' has .ORDER dependency against configure-message (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`do-configure' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`do-configure' has .ORDER dependency against run-autotools-fixup (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`build-message' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`build-message' has .ORDER dependency against configure (made 1, flags 3009, type 3010001)
`pre-build' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`pre-build' has .ORDER dependency against build-message (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`do-build' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`do-build' has .ORDER dependency against pre-build (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`stage-message' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`stage-message' has .ORDER dependency against build (made 1, flags 3009, type 3010001)
`stage-dir' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`stage-dir' has .ORDER dependency against stage-message (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`run-depends' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b410001)!
`run-depends' has .ORDER dependency against stage-dir (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`apply-slist' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`apply-slist' has .ORDER dependency against lib-depends (made 1, flags 2019, type b410001)
`/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work/stage/boot/modules' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work/stage/boot/modules' has .ORDER dependency against apply-slist (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`do-install' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`do-install' has .ORDER dependency against generate-plist (made 1, flags 3009, type b010001)
`compress-man' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`compress-man' has .ORDER dependency against do-install (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`install-rc-script' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`install-rc-script' has .ORDER dependency against compress-man (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`install-ldconfig-file' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type 3010001)!
`install-ldconfig-file' has .ORDER dependency against install-rc-script (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)
`install-license' was not built (made 1, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`install-license' has .ORDER dependency against install-ldconfig-file (made 1, flags 2009, type 3010001)
*** [stage] Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
1 error

make: stopped in /usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions

সবেমাত্র একটি দ্বিতীয় পদ্ধতি খুঁজে পেয়েছে -> প্যাকেজ দ্বারা ইনস্টল করুন:

$ pkg install emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions

তবে আমার আবার এই ত্রুটি রয়েছে:

$ sudo pkg install emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Updating database digests format: 100%
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    virtualbox-ose-additions: 5.1.6_1

Number of packages to be installed: 1

The process will require 3 MiB more space.
592 KiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
Fetching virtualbox-ose-additions-5.1.6_1.txz: 100%  589 KiB 603.4kB/s    00:01    
pkg: cached package virtualbox-ose-additions-5.1.6_1: size mismatch,     fetching from remote
Fetching virtualbox-ose-additions-5.1.6_1.txz: 100%  589 KiB 603.4kB/s    00:01    
pkg: cached package virtualbox-ose-additions-5.1.6_1: size mismatch, cannot continue

Pkg ইনস্টল করার চেষ্টা করছে ভার্চুয়ালবক্স-ওস (www.freshports.org/emulators/virtualbox-ose/) খুব বেশি কাজ করছে না:

$ sudo pkg install virtualbox-ose
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 5 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    virtualbox-ose: 5.1.6_1
    libvncserver: 0.9.10_1
    virtualbox-ose-kmod: 5.1.6
    qt5-opengl: 5.6.1
    qt5-printsupport: 5.6.1

Number of packages to be installed: 5

The process will require 335 MiB more space.
55 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
Fetching virtualbox-ose-5.1.6_1.txz: 100%   54 MiB 792.7kB/s    01:12    
pkg: cached package virtualbox-ose-5.1.6_1: size mismatch, fetching from remote
Fetching virtualbox-ose-5.1.6_1.txz: 100%   54 MiB   2.9MB/s    00:20    
pkg: cached package virtualbox-ose-5.1.6_1: size mismatch, cannot continue

এই ত্রুটিগুলি সম্পর্কে কিছু গবেষণা করার পরে আমি কিছু বলার মতো পাইনি।

এই সমস্যাটি সমাধান করার কোনও উপায় আছে কি?

আমি ভার্চুয়াল বাক্স 5.1.12 r112440 ব্যবহার করছি


আমাদের সাইট ব্যবহার করে, আপনি স্বীকার করেছেন যে আপনি আমাদের কুকি নীতি এবং গোপনীয়তা নীতিটি পড়েছেন এবং বুঝতে পেরেছেন ।
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.