ডেস্কটপ পরিবেশ ইনস্টল না করে ফায়ারফক্সের মতো গ্রাফিক্যাল অ্যাপ্লিকেশনগুলি চালানো কি সম্ভব?


I have been an Ubuntu user for 2 years and am contemplating moving to Arch. I love their philosophy, The Arch Way, and I admire their tenacity to bare the system to the user. I think if I am ever going to tame my Linux Box and be a superuser, it is the only way. I am willing to go all the way to get a real Arch experience, compiling packages from source to install and editing configuration files to change system settings. However, there are applications that are a part of my daily workflow and I don't know if they will run without a gui/desktop environment. Crucial among them is Firefox.

যদি আমি একটি ডেস্কটপ পরিবেশ ইনস্টল না করে এক বা দুটি গ্রাফিকাল অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ব্যবহার করতে পারি তবে দুর্দান্ত হবে। লিনাক্স এ কি সম্ভব?

Note that there are text-only web browsers available (e.g., lynx) which don't require a desktop environment or any of the X libraries. Useful if you only need web-browsing capability, rather than graphical web-browsing capability.

What exactly do you mean by "desktop environment"? Do you mean large ones like KDE or Gnome, or just an X server and window manager?



Well, Firefox REQUIRES X server. What you would need is to install Firefox with the help of the package management - it should install the bare minimum of the packages, including the X server. Then, you just need to run the X server without the desktop environnment. Basically something like:

$ X

Then you just start Firefox in this X server:

$ DISPLAY=:0 firefox

You can switch from the X server and the framebuffer by using CTRL+ALT+F1 and CTRL+ALT+F7.

Hope it helps.

Thank you! Your answer is spot on. I am going to try it as soon as I can.
Harsh Vardhan


Without a graphical environment, you will need to use a text-based browser such as elinks/lynx, and they are really not very pretty.

You can just run X by itself, and then spawn graphical utilities from the command line specifying "server :0" manually, however this is a real bother.

If you are into minimalism, you could try a lightweight windows-manager. See Arch-wiki Window Manager for the whole list. I don't use Arch, but some people recommend Fluxbox. You will need to experiment with them to find the one you like.

A window manager will be very tempting to go back to using graphical applications. I want to keep my setup as simple as possible, mainly because I intend to use my computer mostly for programming and surfing. I knew about lynx, and did try it on Ubuntu. You are right, it's not pretty at all.
Harsh Vardhan

Programming without graphical productivity applications such as IDE is like cutting your arm off before going to war. Or you have a computer with extremely little RAM.

vim or emacs are enough for many programmers and both work well without X

@harrymc What are your sources? What about not having graphical productivity applications is so harmful? Do you think IDEs are so much better than console-based text editors?

@harrymc My experience suggests that using text editors in consoles is just as productive, if not more, than using IDEs. A cursory online searched turned up nothing relevant on the topic.
আমাদের সাইট ব্যবহার করে, আপনি স্বীকার করেছেন যে আপনি আমাদের কুকি নীতি এবং গোপনীয়তা নীতিটি পড়েছেন এবং বুঝতে পেরেছেন ।
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